"A Lawyer with compassion and dedication, devoted to justice"
Going into my lawsuit, I knew it would be very time consuming and a tough journey. My case was extremely complicated seeing how the mother of my late husband deceived me and obtained custody of my son in Texas, who was 4 at the time. She soon after skipped town and I found her 2 years later in California. After a failed attempt in 2006 in my hometown court to regain custody of my son while I had him on a summer visitation, the grandmother returned with him to California where orders were put into place there. I was given supervised visitations of him just because I tried to do the right thing and hired a rookie attorney from out of town, and the grandmother retained the County's previous District Attorney, whom had served Hood County for over 15 years. He had seniority and favor in the judges eyes so I was never given a fair shot at any chance of regaining my son. Many years passed trying to get my life together and mediate with the grandmother some type of compromise and trying to work with her to give my son back. Finally I was able to obtain legal counsel in March 2013 once my son was able to communicate his wishes to come home and was of legal age to make a choice in court. I had created a profile on Avvo.com and other sites and had spoken to over a dozen attorneys, most of which were unwilling to accept the case or were very distant and uncaring. I received a call one afternoon from a woman that I will always refer to as "God Sent". Gwen Terry, Mrs. Albright's secretary had called me out of the blue and we talked for awhile about my case and the overall situation. This was the moment I knew I had found the perfect person. Within days I had my telephone conference with Mrs. Albright, seeing how I live in Texas. Our 15 minutes went well over an hour. She showed genuine concern, compassion and interest in not just the case but my situation as well, she even cried when I cried. Since I lost my son in 2003 this was the very first time I had ever felt I had someone who cared and was willing to fight the injustice handed to us from the judicial system and "Hometown" Lawyers. She worked with me on the fees and understood my financial situation from being disabled. Over the next few weeks I know I sent probably over 1,000 pages of documents and info to her and her team and they worked tirelessly to get my case going. She obtained emergency orders to go to court and within a month of our first conversation I was in California in front of a judge. I Was filled with hope and confidence in Mrs. Albright and the work her team put into my case. That Monday it was continued, on Thursday of the same week I was back in court with her by my side and won my son back. He is now 14 years old, enrolled in school and doing great. Our case was settled out of court, however I am 100% confident that had it not been for the thorough knowledge of the law and the work put into my Declarations and Supplemental Proofs to show the judge, we would not have settled. I know the grandmother knew she had no chance and finally realized it after seeing all the work put into the case against her. During the process, Mrs. Albright was always available to answer questions and concerns, which I had many. She even called me back on Easter Sunday to give me advice, and one night stayed up past 11pm talking with me trying to reassure me and calm me. Her and Gwen both were angels. Gwen would call just to see how I was holding up and offer her kind words. For the months we worked together they became family to me. I hope to never have a need to use Mrs. Albright again but would recommend her highly to anyone. I never felt put off or uninformed for a moment, I could feel the genuine compassion and earnest drive to win at any cost for my son's sake. I am honored to have worked with her and her team. They honestly restored my faith in the system and there are very few lawyers I have ever spoken with that had heart like her. Compassion, Knowledge and Integrity!
- Heather