Riverside Domestic Violence Lawyer
Family Lawyers Protecting Victims in Riverside, Corona & Surrounding Areas
If you are the victim of violence by someone who lives with you, by a family member, or by someone with whom you have had a romantic relationship, you may request restraining orders protecting you from that person. It is not mandatory to have a police report to make such a request, but it may help your family law case.
There is no filing fee when requesting a domestic violence restraining order and typically the court will grant or deny your petition in chambers. A future hearing date will be set to give the other party an opportunity to respond. At that hearing, the court will then set an evidentiary hearing to determine if permanent orders should be granted. Permanent orders often expire in three years. You can also include your children in the protection order.
At the Albright Family Law Group, our attorneys serving Riverside County are prepared to fight on your behalf. Call us at (951) 400-5273 today!
Have You Been Accused of Domestic Violence?
If you have been accused of domestic violence, you will have an opportunity to respond to the accusation made. There is a limited amount of time to file your response with the court so your immediate action is imperative. You also have the option of requesting a restraining order against the other party if you need protection.
Having a temporary or permanent restraining order against you can negatively affect your job, your visitations with your children, your divorce case, and it can restrict where you can go. At the hearing, you can provide all the evidence you have as to why the restraining order should not be granted. Make sure you have absolutely no contact with the protected party if ordered by judge, because this could greatly benefit your case.
Domestic violence is a serious matter which should not be taken lightly. Filing an unfounded request could affect you negatively and could result in you losing physical custody of your children; not responding could result in orders being made against you. At our firm, we understand that this time in your life can be stressful, and you deserve the best possible representation for your case.
If you have questions or concerns regarding your situation, do not hesitate to retain the representation of an experienced and dedicated domestic violence lawyer in Riverside from our team. Contact the Albright Family Law Group for a consultation today!
Commonly Asked Questions
My husband is physically violent toward me and has been harassing our adult daughter. Can I include our adult daughter in the pr
Yes. Your daughter can also file her own restraining order if she likes.
My boyfriend and I do not get along anymore. He filed a false domestic violence action against me. We have two children togetherNo! Having a restraining order against you can adversely affect your child custody and visitation rights. You may be ordered limited or supervised visitations with your children. Also, a restraining order can affect your employment.

Through her book, Child Custody & Visitation in California: Preparing for the Battle Ahead & Strategies for Winning the War, she offers readers insight from her nearly two decades of family law practice, delving into topics such as what judges look for, what constitutes compelling evidence, and more.